Eight years after shooting, Nobel prize winner, Malala, graduates Nobel Prize-winning activist Malala Yousafzai, who moved to Britain after being shot for campaigning for girls’ education in Pakistan, described her joy Friday at graduating from Oxford University. Almost eight years after she was attacked by the Taliban on her school bus in the Swat Valley, the Malala, 22-year-old, posted her photos on Twitter of her celebrations with her family. “Hard to express my joy and gratitude right now as I completed my Philosophy, Politics, and Economics degree at Oxford,” the new graduate, Malala said. “I don’t know what’s ahead. For now, it will be Netflix, reading, and sleep.” The photos show Malala covered in brightly coloured bits of paper and foam — a student tradition — and having a cake with her family, decorated with the words “Happy Graduation Malala”. ALSO READ: Like Malala, Leah Sharibu deserves Nobel Prize — Ecwa Malala first rose to prominence aged just 11 with a blo...